OLYMPIA - A new bi-state fisheries advisory group will hold a public meeting Oct. 15 in Portland, Ore., to develop recommendations on a catch-sharing plan for sport and commercial fisheries on the lower Columbia River.
Created by fish and wildlife commissions in Washington and Oregon, the group will meet from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the conference room of the Oregon Institute of Technology, 7726 S.E. Harmony Rd.
The Columbia River Fish Working Group's first charge is to recommend a new plan for apportioning harvest opportunities for spring and summer chinook salmon between sport and commercial fisheries in the lower Columbia River.
The group met for the first time in mid-September, and will continue to consider various options for allocating the salmon harvest at its upcoming meeting in Portland. Its recommendations are due in mid-November, prior to a vote on a catch-sharing agreement by the full commissions of both states in December.
Once the advisory group has made its recommendations on an allocation plan, it will be directed to consider a broader range of Columbia River issues, including salmon recovery, selective fisheries and hatchery reform.
Three fish and wildlife commissioners from each state serve as voting members of the advisory group. Non-voting members include two fishery managers from each state and a total of 10 citizen representatives from communities on both sides of the Columbia River.