Cowlitz River – Spring Chinook catches are spread throughout the river along with a few steelhead.
Through May 13, a total of 1,250 adult spring Chinook had returned to the salmon hatchery. Assuming the recent 5 year average, the adult return is currently tracking at 5,388 adults returning to the separator. The hatchery escapement goal is 1,250 fish. The pre-season forecast was 4,100 adults returning to the Cowlitz this year.
Kalama River – No report on the steelhead fishing. Through May 11, just two adults had returned to Kalama Falls Hatchery. The hatchery escapement goal is 500. The pre-season forecast was 900 adults returning to the Kalama this year.
Lewis River – Some summer run steelhead are being caught in the North Fork. Through May 13, a total of 118 hatchery adult spring chinook were on-hand. The hatchery escapement goal is 1,250. The pre-season forecast was 2,200 adults returning to the Lewis this year.
Wind River – Boat anglers averaged just under a Chinook per every 3 rods while in the gorge bank anglers averaged 2/3 fish per rod when including jacks and fish released. Some early morning catch was reported by bank anglers near the Hwy. 14 Bridge. Slightly less than half of the catch were jacks.
There have been 76 adult and 16 jack chinook from Carson hatchery detected at Bonneville Dam as of May 13, 2009. Applying the CNFH tag rate to the detections produces an estimate of 5,874 adult and 1,436 jack chinook through this date. For comparison, the estimated run size on this date in 2008 was 5,116 adults and the final estimate in 2008 was 5,951 adults at Bonneville Dam.
The in-season projected adult returns for 2009, based on early, average and late timing data from 2000-2008, are 5,965, 6,278, and 6,879, respectively. The 2009 run started slow, but appears to have nearly caught up with average run timing. The final run size is likely to be between 6,000 and 7,000 adults. The pre-season forecast was 6,900.
The PIT tag interrogation system at Shipherd Falls was downloaded in the afternoon on May 13, 2009. There have been a total of four PIT tagged adult chinook detected in the fish ladder through this date. Applying the tag rate produces an estimate of 309 adult chinook past Shipherd Falls as of this date.
Through May 18, just two spring Chinook had returned to Carson National Fishery Hatchery. Those interested in daily counts should call 509.427.5905. The counts will be updated each morning by 08:00, Mon-Fri. In addition the sign on the hatchery's front gate will be updated each day including weekends by volunteers.
Drano Lake – Including jacks and fish released, boat anglers averaged about ½ Chinook per rod while bank anglers averaged one per every 5 rods. Half the catch were jacks.
Through May 14, a total of 1,510 spring Chinook had returned to Little White Salmon National Fish Hatchery. The hatchery goal of 1,000 has been attained. Trap has been closed since Friday May 8.
White Salmon River – Has been hit or miss but bank anglers at the mouth are catching some spring Chinook.
Klickitat River – Bank anglers from Fisher Hill Bridge downstream averaged just under ½ fish per rod when including jacks and fish released. Nearly 2/3 of the catch were jacks. Effort is increasing with almost 30 vehicles here yesterday (Sunday May 17) morning.
No report of any fish returning to Klickitat Salmon Hatchery. Just 3 adults have been counted at Lyle Falls through May 5. For Lyle trap data, see